
Our story in Palliative Care
Prof Liz Gwyther


Thursday,  27 April 2023: Sustaining palliative care in public and private healthcare sectors 
Moderators: Dr Raksha Balbadhur, Ursula Torr, Mrs Juanita Arendse and Prof Shivani Ranchod

Thursday,  27 April 2023Integration and innovation in Palliative Care Education and Training
Moderator: Dr René Krause
Panel: Prof Lionel Green-Thompson, Dr Tania de Villiers, Prof Leon Holtzhauzen, Dr Michelle Meiring

Not available

Friday, 28 April 2023Adult palliative care screening tool (SPICT) – Dr René Krause

Friday, 28 April 2023Paediatric Palliative Care – Specialist versus generalist care
Prof Jan Du Plessis

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Friday, 28 April 2023: Outcome measures in palliative care – Prof Julia Downing 

Friday, 28 April 2023Understanding and enhancing the dignity experience of SA patients with advanced disease – Dr Raksha Balbadhur, Prof Frank Brennan 

Friday, 28 April 2023Doing it differently: Remodelling palliative care for South Africa – Moderator: Dr Michelle Meiring
Chairs: Mr Lawrence Mandikiana, Ms Sandhya Singh
Panel: Dr Mpho Ratshikana, Dr Jennie Morgan, Dr Kat Evans, Tersia Burger, Joan Marston

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Saturday, 29 April 2023: Ethics in Perinatal Palliative Care – Dr Julia Ambler

Saturday, 29 April 2023Ethics in Geriatrics – Dr Susan Coetzer

Saturday, 29 April 2023: Death is part of the job: navigating personal and professional losses – Dr Nelia Drenth 


Thursday,  27 April 2023A study to understand the experiences of adolescents and young adults living with cancer in a northern cape public health setting – Dr Leana Spies

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Thursday,  27 April 2023: Expansion of Palliative Care Training to online platform during COVID-19 Pandemic – Dr Ewa Skowronska

Thursday,  27 April 2023: The impact of palliative care on the quality of life of patients with cancer in Johannesburg, South Africa – Dr Mpho Ratshikana

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Thursday,  27 April 2023: “I won’t consent to the ICU!”: The role of Paediatric Palliative Care teams in interpreting emotional expression disguised as goals of care – Chelsea Heneghan

Thursday,  27 April 2023: Exploring the importance, meaning and experience of hope for adult patients with advanced cancer and their family caregivers in KwaZulu-Natal – Dr Colleen Cox 

Thursday,  27 April 2023: Factors Influencing paediatric oncologists’ decision-making when balancing curative and non-curative treatment options at diagnosis in Low- and Middle-income Countries (LMICs) – Dr Amy Porter 

Thursday,  27 April 2023: The long road to palliative care for cancer patients – Zodwa Sithole

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Thursday,  27 April 2023: Practical application of psychotherapeutic interventions that empirically improved dignity in South African palliative care patients – Dr Raksha Balbadhur 

Thursday,  27 April 2023: Impact of cultural beliefs in relation to osteosarcomas – Tracey Brand

Thursday,  27 April 2023: A palliative counselling and communication service in the ICU setting during the Covid-19 pandemic – Yolande Riekert 

Thursday,  27 April 2023: Occupational engagement in the face of death. An occupational therapy perspective in palliative care – Madelein Kritzinger 

Friday,  28 April 2023: Assessing the success of an uniquely South African online learning platform for paediatric palliative care – Sue Boucher

Friday,  28 April 2023: Why palliative care is MY business: recounting the lived experiences of health care providers in a hospice setting and exploring ways of retaining them in our organisations to provide this critical area of health care – Francesca Tong 

Friday,  28 April 2023: Rural experience of end-stage renal disease – Hilary Grey 

Friday,  28 April 2023: The use of storytelling and forums as a teaching strategy: creatively incorporating the art of nursing into paediatric palliative care (PPC) education – Tracy Rawlins

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Friday,  28 April 2023: Reframing Guilt and Blame: A tool for paediatric palliative care teams guiding debrief discussions following patient deaths – Dr Sarah Halix

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Friday,  28 April 2023: Community participation in establishing an integrated palliative care program (Heideveld) – Dr Jennie Morgan 

Friday,  28 April 2023: Changing the Ending – Dr Dawn Garish 

Friday,  28 April 2023: A study to identify the burden of chronic disease on a private emergency medical service in the southern sub-district of Cape Town, and if there is a need for palliative care provision in the pre hospital healthcare sector – Dr Linley Holmes

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Thursday,  27 April 2023: Sustainable models of PPC care for South Africa
Dr Michelle Meiring, Dr Justin Baker, Joan Marston, Alex Daniels

Not available.

Thursday,  27 April 2023: Measuring Quality of Care: Data analysis in palliative care
Wayne Oxford-Huggett 

Thursday,  27 April 2023: We can always do something: Expanding access to palliative care through a hybrid multidisciplinary team
Dr Barbara Matthews 

Thursday,  27 April 2023: Supporting optimal end of life care: A funder’s perspective
Kim Cardwell

Not available.

Thursday,  27 April 2023: A rural palliative Care programme in the Western Cape province of South Africa – a four-year review
Prof Louis Jenkins 

Thursday,  27 April 2023: The Alignd Palliative Care Programme – Strategies to increase early initiation of palliative care in patients with advanced cancer and related outcomes
Dr Linda Holding

Not available.

Thursday,  27 April 2023: TeleHospice as a component of a Hub and Spoke palliative care service in Western Kenya
Kenneth Cornetta


Friday,  28 April 2023: Caring for children with life-limiting conditions in the community through improving their access to palliative care – Yvette Andrews

Not available.

Friday,  28 April 2023: Parents’ perceptions of their children participating in paediatric palliative treatment and care – Penelope Mathe

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Friday,  28 April 2023: The plight of abandoned children with life-limiting conditions in South Africa – Tarryn Bell

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Friday,  28 April 2023: Review of a Comprehensive Model of Paediatric Palliative Care Delivery in Cape Town – Dr Michelle Meiring

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Friday,  28 April 2023: Organ donation after circulatory death – Are we offering donation in all appropriate circumstances – positive kidney transplant outcomes in a South Africa DCD experience – Dr David Thomson

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Friday,  28 April 2023:  Correlation of survival with two palliative needs assessment tools in cancer patients in a South African Surgical Emergency Center
Dr Henriette Burger (Virtual presentation with live Q&A)

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Friday,  28 April 2023: Palliative sedation – clinical complexities – Dr Mike Brown (Learning session) 

Friday,  28 April 2023:  Renal supportive care – Prof Nicky Wearne (Learning session)

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Friday,  28 April 2023: Alternatives to haloperidol and morphine shortages
Dr Dalene van Jaarsveld (Learning session)

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Friday,  28 April 2023: Palliative care in patients with COPD and end-stage heart failure – Dr Lindsay Farrant (Learning session)

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Saturday,  29 April 2023: Gastrointestinal ostomies in paediatric palliative care – surgical perspectives – Dr Marion Arnold

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Saturday,  29 April 2023Palliative care for a child with hollow visceral myopathy: Challenges and lessons – Dr Lyndal Gibbs 

Saturday,  29 April 2023Tempo and touch, sound and smell: an integrative approach to complementary therapies in paediatric palliative care – Mari Stevens 

Saturday,  29 April 2023The various roles of Art Therapy in palliative care – Angela Rackstraw

Not available.

Saturday,  29 April 2023Palliative care and mental illness – Dr Michelle King (Learning session)

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Saturday,  29 April 2023An observational study of understanding of spirituality and spiritual care in palliative care in five countries – Joan Marston

Not available.

Saturday,  29 April 2023Spiritual care within palliative care: Perspectives from soul carers in South Africa – Rafaela Peerutin 

Saturday,  29 April 2023In conversation with death: Riding on the death train
Pierre Matthee

Not available.

Saturday,  29 April 2023Peripheral vascular disease and the need for palliative care
Dr René Krause (Learning session)

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Saturday,  29 April 2023Palliative care after severe or life-threatening stroke
Dr Clint Cupido (Learning session) 

Saturday,  29 April 2023The golden thread through MND
Dr Mitchell Scott (Learning session) 

Saturday,  29 April 2023Sherry’s Quality of Life Plan; living optimally with motor neuron disease – Elizabeth Scrimgeour 


Values in Healthcare Experiential Workshops – a support programme for carers & Mindfulness
Coordinators: Dr Raksha Balbadhur & Christine Nachmann