The Association of Palliative Care Centres (APCC) is an association incorporated under Section 21 of the Companies Act (Reg. No. 1986 / 001887 / 08). It was founded in 1987 in response to requests from individual hospices for a national organisation to support the development and co-ordination of hospice activities across South Africa. APCC is a national organisation that spans 49 health districts across all nine of South Africa’s provinces and currently has a total of 89-member organisations who provide palliative care services to patients and their families – most of whom receive support through care provided in the patient’s own home.
Under the Patronage of the late Desmond Tutu, Emeritus Archbishop of Cape Town and Professor J.P. van Niekerk, Emeritus Dean of the Faculty of Health Sciences (University of Cape Town), and Judge Edwin Cameron, the APCC has built up an impressive track record of achievements and is a member of the Worldwide Hospice Palliative Care Alliance (WHPCA).
The South African National Policy Framework and Strategy on Palliative Care 2017–2022 was approved and signed by the National Health Council in 2017. It highlights the significant need for palliative care services and recommends that all health care workers are trained in palliative care. In line with this, APCC promotes access to palliative care and support to member organisations and partner organisations to provide quality palliative care to patients and families requiring this care.
APCC’s vision is, “Quality Palliative Care for All”. Our mission is, “To promote quality in life, dignity in death, and support in bereavement for all persons living with a life-threatening illness by supporting member hospices and partner organisations.” We realise this by availing:
- Advocacy and influencing policy for palliative care
- Training, education, and research in palliative care
- Quality assurance, mentorship, and accreditation for members,
- Monitoring, evaluation, and reporting on the provision of palliative care
For more information, please visit our website.

The Hospice Palliative Care Association of South Africa (HPCA) is an association incorporated under Section 21 of the Companies Act (Reg. No. 1986 / 001887 / 08). It was founded in 1987 in response to requests from individual hospices for a national organisation to support the development and co-ordination of hospice activities across South Africa. HPCA is a national organisation that spans 49 health districts across all nine of South Africa’s provinces and currently has a total of 89-member organisations who provide palliative care services to patients and their families – most of whom receive support through care provided in the patient’s own home.
Under the Patronage of the late Desmond Tutu, Emeritus Archbishop of Cape Town
and ProfessorJ.P. van Niekerk, Emeritus Dean of the Faculty of Health Sciences (University of Cape Town), and Judge Edwin Cameron, the HPCA has built up an impressive track record of achievements and is a member of the Worldwide Hospice Palliative Care Alliance (WHPCA).
The South African National Policy Framework and Strategy on Palliative Care 2017–2022 was approved and signed by the National Health Council in 2017. It highlights the significant need for palliative care services and recommends that all health care workers are trained in palliative care. In line with this, HPCA promotes access to palliative care and support to member organisations and partner organisations to provide quality palliative care to patients and families requiring this care.
HPCA’s vision is, “Quality Palliative Care for All”. Our mission is, “To promote quality in life, dignity in death, and support in bereavement for all persons living with a life-threatening illness by supporting member hospices and partner organisations. We realise this by availing:
- Advocacy and influencing policy for palliative care
- Training, education, and research in palliative care
- Quality assurance, mentorship, and accreditation for members,
- Monitoring, evaluation, and reporting on the provision of palliative care
For more information, please visit our website.

Palliative Care for Children (PatchSA) was launched in 2013 as an inclusive and compassionate network under the slogan “People who care, supporting people who care.” PatchSA aims to share specialised knowledge, tools, resources, and opportunities to ensure the best possible care for children with life-threatening and life-limiting illnesses, and to provide support to healthcare professionals, families, and lay caregivers.
The organisation’s vision is to ensure the right of every child to access quality palliative care in South Africa. Their mission is to mobilise and support a sustainable network of individuals, institutions, professionals, and caregivers to provide holistic and culturally appropriate palliative care for children and their families from diagnosis to bereavement as an essential component of Universal Health Coverage.
This work is achieved through the provision of:
- Support: PatchSA works to ensure the voice of the child and family informs all activities of the network while also promoting care for the health care providers and lay caregivers giving day-to- day care to children with life-threatening and life-limiting illnesses.
- Advocacy: PatchSA offers a strong collaborative voice for the right of children in South Africa to receive quality palliative care. The organisation aims to influence policy development in children’s palliative care and to advocate for the integration of palliative care into all children’s services.
- Information: The PatchSA website delivers a comprehensive source of information and resources on children’s palliative care, including a map of CPC services in the country, and hosts a responsive Enquiry service for parents and the public. With support from the Discovery Fund and in collaboration with Bettercare, PatchSA has published two books for South African healthcare providers on Children’s Palliative Care and Perinatal Palliative Care. Presently, members are assisting in the development of guidelines on paediatric palliative care for the national Department of Health.
- Education & Training: PatchSA provides evidence-based education in children’s palliative care for professionals and caregivers through in-person training and through a series of online CPD Accredited e-learning courses found at
You are invited to learn more and join as a member on our website.

Palliative Care for Children (PatchSA) was launched in 2013 as an inclusive and compassionate network under the slogan “People who care, supporting people who care.” PatchSA aims to share specialised knowledge, tools, resources, and opportunities to ensure the best possible care for children with life-threatening and life-limiting illnesses, and to provide support to healthcare professionals, families, and lay caregivers.
The organisation’s vision is to ensure the right of every child to access quality palliative care in South Africa. Their mission is to mobilise and support a sustainable network of individuals, institutions, professionals, and caregivers to provide holistic and culturally appropriate palliative care for children and their families from diagnosis to bereavement as an essential component of Universal Health Coverage.
This work is achieved through the provision of:
- Support: PatchSA works to ensure the voice of the child and family informs all activities of the network while also promoting care for the health care providers and lay caregivers giving day-to- day care to children with life-threatening and life-limiting illnesses.
- Advocacy: PatchSA offers a strong collaborative voice for the right of children in South Africa to receive quality palliative care. The organisation aims to influence policy development in children’s palliative care and to advocate for the integration of palliative care into all children’s services.
- Information: The PatchSAwebsite delivers a comprehensive source of information and resources on children’s palliative care, including a map of CPC services in the country, and hosts a responsive Enquiry service for parents and the public. With support from the Discovery Fund and in collaboration with Bettercare, PatchSA has published two books for South African healthcare providers on Children’s Palliative Care and Perinatal Palliative Care. Presently, members are assisting in the development of guidelines on paediatric palliative care for the national Department of Health.
- Education& Training: PatchSA provides evidence-based education in children’s palliative care for professionals and caregivers through in-person training and through a series of online CPD Accredited e-learning courses found at
You are invited to learn more and join as a member on our website.

The Association of Palliative Care Practitioners of South Africa (PALPRAC) is a non-profit organisation that was formed in May 2018 by a group of South African doctors who are trained in Palliative Medicine. PALPRAC membership is now offered to all health care providers with training in Palliative Care.
Palliative Care is a growing area of interest for healthcare providers across all disciplines and specialties including Family Medicine, Oncology, Paediatrics, Critical Care, and Internal Medicine. PALPRAC unites providers who share a desire to provide personalized care within the context of serious illnesses.
PALPRAC provides national leadership and advocacy for the equitable provision of palliative care through appropriate frameworks, standards of care, and technical support. We train, mentor, and connect healthcare providers in a collaborative network.
For more information, please visit our website.

The Association of Palliative Care Practitioners of South Africa (PALPRAC) is a non-profit organisation that was formed in May 2018 by a group of South African doctors who are trained in Palliative Medicine. PALPRAC membership is now offered to all health care providers with training in Palliative Care.
Palliative Care is a growing area of interest for healthcare providers across all disciplines and specialties including Family Medicine, Oncology, Paediatrics, Critical Care, and Internal Medicine. PALPRAC unites providers who share a desire to provide personalized care within the context of serious illnesses.
PALPRAC provides national leadership and advocacy for the equitable provision of palliative care through appropriate frameworks, standards of care, and technical support. We train, mentor, and connect healthcare providers in a collaborative network.
For more information, please visit our website.